Information Technology Staffing and Consulting Services.
Most people dream of professional success. We make those dreams reality. ITR.......the people side of technology
Information Technology Staffing and Consulting Services.
Most people dream of professional success. We make those dreams reality. ITR.......the people side of technology
We believe in the Power of Partnering. When you partner with us, we represent your organization as if it is our own. With the same approach, we grow a greater understanding of the candidates we work with to bring you not only the skill set you need, but an employee that fits your organizations culture and personality. Each search, every client, every relationship - they're all unique to ITR and our staff. Because of this, we offer custom recruiting solutions and flexible search fee options to suit the search style of each client.
To become a great company, an organization needs great personnel. We provide those personnel by maintaining relationships with a diverse network of skilled professionals. It's our business to not only assess and evaluate talent, but to keep a finger on the pulse of each client company's industry. The reason for that is simple. If we don't know about your job, we can't do a good job selling your needs and outlining your work environment to our candidates. Working with our firm also reduces recruitment lag-time while increasing the likelihood of long-term placement success.
We maintain a database with over thirty (43,000) thousand professionals from the region and nationally, which allows us to begin identifying candidates much faster than through traditional hiring methods. We are evaluating IT talent every day, which results in us knowing who the most qualified candidates in our markets are at any given time. Hiring the best and brightest is crucial and we act as your advocate in the world of personnel.

Proven Methodologies:
Operational and Organizational Experience
With decades of proven ability to recruit, staff, and retain qualified and skilled professionals, we are a value added and cost effective resource for any growing company. We offer a regional resource pool of more than 42,000 experienced, multi-disciplined professionals, with demonstrated ability to fulfill any technical requirement. Our innovate and proven methods and resources deliver cost competitive staffing solutions so that ITR can supply our clients with qualified professionals when the need arises.
Our candidates are experienced functional and technical professionals with degrees and multiple certifications in Information Technology, Engineering, Business, and other professional services.
Our proactive personnel management, security protocols, and review processes aid in the facilitation and placement of qualified candidates that can provide short and long term support.
Retention Rate
ITR attracts and retains high-quality personnel by offering sought after career growth opportunities, competitive compensation, awards recognition programs, and training opportunities. Our retention rate exceeds the national IT industry average. Our competitive rates, fringe benefits, training, commitment to career development, and corporate incentive rewards are powerful incentives for our candidates and staff to remain and act as a draw for new hires. ITR encourages open lines of communication and offers quality of management, challenging work, competitive pay, insurance, family friendly flex time, motivational incentives, team building activities, and paid holidays.
Performance Monitoring
ITR is in constant contact with both our client and our contractors on-site to ensure objectives are being met to client satisfaction. We also have policies in place that ensure our employees are providing quality services. Among these are weekly checks and balances working with the Company TPO that maintain the project is being completed within their parameters and correctly. At the beginning of every week we document the previous week of work to make sure all work performed is up to Company standards and within budget allotted for the week. This attention to detail allows very high service levels and allows us to manage our employees in a manner consistent with Company project needs. We also actively manage our employees on the Company site to make sure they are providing services that are up to our standards and any human resource issues are dealt with quickly.
Skills and Staff Development
ITR researches and investigate new languages, tools, software, and systems on a daily basis to help us understand our client needs. Our account managers work daily with IT professionals to evaluate and learn these new technologies and their impact on the IT world so that we can better propose different directional possibilities and ways to help our clients reach their Information Technology goals. We task our technical employees to provide training to our team as new technologies emerge. We also use industry training services, (NPA, ASA, GSA, and SHRM) to maintain quality staffing guidelines and ensure exceptional personnel are provided.